Tuesday, October 20, 2009


As promise, this is the tioman post. Oh my, I gotta say that I hate sun at times. How I wish I could kill it by bombing it but there's a benefit from sun which is I get sun tan for FREE! Positive thinking huh?

Wokay...now I look like some dark-skin-tone-chinese girl. Yea, this is why people actually thinks I'm a foreigner instead of a malaysian. The funniest part was they actually test me by speaking malay with me luckily I still remember some words. It has been year that I didn't use malay, how am i going to speak like a true-kedah- girl!? Most of em' thinks I'm from Thailand and some even asked if I'm from China or Taiwan! WTF I hate to be a china-girl lah! So, thanks to Tioman for giving me such a good tanning!

The map that actually comes in with my chanel(phone name) sucks! It's makes me hate my chanel that I felt like throwing it away but I didn't cus ya'know - $! Wee....I just install Garmin in Chanel-ly and I'm madly loving it. Garmin rawks!

Korean girls are awesome! Yea, I met them at Tioman and we've been hanging out for 3 days. The coolest part was them following us back! Can you imagine following someone's car you just know like 2 days? You can't deny that they're brave! I love hanging out with em' cus they're so friendly tho is kinda hard to communicate with em' and they even treat me (heh,love).

I'm gonna show you the most "delicious" koeyteow goreng that I've ever had!

Going nature!



Some tracks by weird monster.(chicky) =O

The fish that I actually wanna get(I dunno the name but I name it 'xiao jian' in chinese)

Proudest thing that I did at there was I caught two fish.=) Proud of me?

Remember this pose?

supa amazing girl.*LaughOutLoud*

Seasick! Ughh....

Heading to the C.O.C.O.N.U.T stall.

I hate this auntie that sell coconut, she make me so pissed off.
Ys:Berapa har?
Auntie:Rm4 bagi yang kecik. Rm6 bagi yang besar!
Ys:Banyak mahal ha? (joking tone)
Auntie:Mana ade mahal? Sini semua macam tu la!
Ys: Mahal la...baru ke tau ape?
Auntie:Barulah!(sounds F**ked up)
 Then after some malay guys went off, she actually said one thing that make me so wanna smack her. Auntie:" Tengok orang melayu tak cakap ape pun!" WTF! Can't she just keep her mouth shut and do her business?

What they actually provide. Heh!

Woot....my trophy! Can we pretend like I fish it? *LaughOutLoud*

I'll get myself one in future........(maybe in my dream)

The whole Tioman trip didn't went well due to some problem. =(

with love,

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